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The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is located in Southern Mexico, Central America including but not limited to Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama, and northern South America. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are carnivorous and eat mostly insects, including crickets. They will also feed on other smaller frogs.Red-Eyed Tree Frogs inhabit lowland rainforest areas near ponds, streams and rivers. The Red-Eyed Tree Frog will be found near water sources that its offspring, tadpoles, will need to survive.(Rainforest Animals)
Jaguars are found in Mexico, Central and South America.Jaguars will eat a variety of animals including turtles,
The female Jaguar will have an approximately 100 day
pregnancy period and can give birth to 2, 3 or 4 cubs.(Rainforest Animals)
Parrots are located worldwide, usually in tropical areas.
Most parrots eat fruits, nuts and seeds.Parrots lay eggs in the holes of trees and sometimes on the ground in holes or cracks.(Rainforest Animals)
Spider Monkeys will eat fruits, leaves and nuts and occasionally insects.
Spider Monkeys are located in Central and South
America and some parts of Mexico.
Spider Monkeys live high in the canopy of the rainforest
and seldom venture to the rainforest floor.The pregnancy period of the Spider Monkey is about 7.5
months. The female Spider Monkey will usually have one
infant.(Rainforest Animals)